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It flutters and zings...accelerates and swoops...when seconds count, B&P Helice loads are there to define your success. Specifically designed and loaded for the sport, our product performs to the exacting needs of a helice shooter. Perfect payloads, honed velocities, and a uniquely designed wad deliver the performance you need. When the time is right and the turbocharged oscillation of ZZ birds begins, you'll be one step closer to that perfect score with the B&P line of helice shotshell.


Product Description Product Code Gauge Case Brass Height Wad Shot Velocity FPS
Length Type Weight Type Sizes
Helice 12B1FEL7 12 2 3/4 G 20mm PCP 1 oz LW 7 1/2 1,300
Helice 12B1FE75 12 2 3/4 G 20mm PCP 1 oz LW 8 1,365
Lead White
Pre-Cut Wad
Gordon Case